The Savage Girl

“The Savage Girl,” an interesting pre-code film made by Monarch Film Corporation in 1932, tells the story of an eccentric and drunk millionaire (Amos P. Stitch) who hires a professor to travel to Africa, catch wild animals, and stock Stitch’s private zoo.  The adventurers hear of a local legend concerning a wild white woman who lives in the jungle, but scoff at the idea.  When the girl appears in the shape and form of stunning Rochelle Hudson, she inspires lust and rage among the hunting party.

Rochelle Hudson sees western civilization for the first time in “The Savage Girl.”

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Stitch continues to drink alcohol throughout the picture, and there’s a funny bit where the drunken Stitch experiments to see if elephants are really afraid of mice.  He also rides around the jungle in a taxicab, complete with a bored cabby!  It takes a while before Hudson appears, but it’s well worth the wait.

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